I recieved a call from the heqrt surgery booking department today, intorming me that my date had been postponed to May 27th.
Honestly, no big deal on my end as its only 5 days later than the initial date. We took care of logistics today in terms of changing my mother’s accomodations. So, I get an extra five days of living “normally” until things get “unnormal” for a while.
I remember alot of what this type of surgery entails entails, dated back to my last one, which was 25 years ago. I expect some pain in my chest area, having the urge to cough due to flem build up in my lungs AND whenever I coug, it hurts. I remember having to start physio basically from the get go in order to get things moving right away, to help healing but also, to avoid blood cloths. I remeber being on AMAZING pain meds, which is probably the best part of this entire journey. Its like a solid 10 says of being high on the best possible drugs, for example; endos/perks, Fent, Dilaudids etc. Top notch stuff, and its legal for me to take due to the surgery. Woo hoooo! I get why people get addicted to that shit! Its sooooo good!
So now, I’m contenplating booking a flight to NYC for May 16th till May 18th, to surprise my daughter and son. They will be traelling there with their mom to go see a Morgan Wallen concert in East Rutherford NJ. Morgan Wallen and her manager invited my daughter and her family to any show she wanted to see in 2024, after having met her(she’s a huge fan) back in July of 2023. An amazing gesture in his part and they have delivered on their word! Amazing!
So I’m thinking of surprising them by joining them for the concert. They would be BLOWN away to see me there and my daughter would be soooo happy for me to be there for this experience with her. Its a bit risky bcs of my medical situation but, i’m feeling ok and its only 3 days. Been pricing out flights and hotels.
Pretty much it for today. Tonight I’m playing in a poker tournament. Been playing alot of poker lately. I enjoy it. Keeps me distracted and, well…. i’m decent at it so havent lost money, in fact, been winning quite a bit.
Much Love