As I sit here, on this beautiful Saturday afternoon, I reflect on the last 46 ++ years if my life. The wrongs, the rights, the things I’ve learnt along the way. Its funny how, when push comes to shove, you feel the countdown of a life event like this one I’m about to experience and wonder if there is a possibility that this may be the last 10 days of my life, as I know it. I know it sounds morbid and dark but, lets be real, its a big deal
46+ years ago, I was 4 weeks old, in heart failure caused by a coarctation of the aorta. The doctors couldn’t garantee that I would survive. The baptized me, read me my last sacrement. And to have made it this far, 12 to 15 surgical interventions later (including 5 open heart surgeries), its hard to fathom that my « engine » took this much beating and still, it carries me through my every day, as normal as normal can be. Afterall, I’ve had an awesome life! I lived an amazing childhood filled with sports, friends, fights, crushes and amazing parents. My mid teen life was full of incecurities, anxieties as many people have or are experiencing. Into my adulthood, sucessful business, great network, marriage, healthy children. It was all I had dreamed of! Of course there were many hurdles along the way (depression, failure etc) but I’m still here, still alive and I still have enough drive to succeed in the next chapter of my life, leading into my 50’s. The wisdom alone is worth the trip! I have evolved as a human, gathering amazing knowledge and wisdom, by being aware and listening. But in a little small way, it feels that all this could potentially, possibly change in the matter of one session on the operating table. Odds are in my favor still but, somehow this time around, my mind is consumed but the « what ifs ». What if I have a stroke and not recover physically, then become a burden to my family. What if I have a heart attack during the surgery and it affects the rest of my life… so on and so forth. Without a good quality of life, i am nothing.
That’s it for now
Time to have supper, with my mom
Much Love