Today’s frequency has changed… for the good!

Here we go! Its the start of a new week. One before my open headt surgery. May 21st, Victoria day. It’s beautiful today. The sun is shining and there is a beautiful warm breeze. People are out on their bicycles. Some are out walking with their four legged friends. The birds are enjoying this calm day. Its rather nice to take in.

As for me, I’ve enjoyed a part of my day taking in the beauty of what nature gives us. I also went out to the market with my daughter, I mowed the lawn and now I’m sitting in my living room enjoying the fresh breeze coming in from having my windows open. This is the start of a new week. I’ve made a conscious choice to enjoy my last week before the surgery. I will be positive. I will choose to enjoy every moment of this next week. I’ll make my way to the coast, to the woods and to the city. I’ll enjoy healthy walks and I will smile. I am smiling right now. Also, I may or may not have treated myself today by buting myself two lobsters to enjoy for supper(dinner) this evening. 🦞😊

For the last few weeks, I’ve been more depressed, more down, wondering about my future but today and for this next week leading up to the big day, on Monday, May 27th, I choose happiness, positivity, and good vibes.

Life is all about energy and frequencies. Sometimes we flow on the wrong tonalities and that makes for a more sombre song. That’s kind of what’s been going on for me in the last few weeks. That’s OK, I accept it. I forgive myself for beating myself down, beating myself up and vibrating on a lower frequency. T

Something special happened to me overnight. First off, I slept for 16 hours, which is very rare in my world. I had many vivid dreams about frequencies. It really felt as though the universe was speaking to me. It continuously repeated to me, “change frequency. Change frequency. Change frequency.”

And today when I woke up, life felt a lot less dark and grim. I felt that self loathing and feeling sadwas no longer the vibe. I need to start my week on a better tone. I wanted to approach this next challenge with great strength, resilience and fight.

I know and feel that the universe will take care of me through all of this. I will bounce back from this challenge feeling stronger. I am now ready for the next chapter of life. Even my whole “work situation” fuck up will be taken care of. I have not done anything wrong to deserve this therefore, I will get what is coming for me, in one way or another! I still wish to return to my job but, if it is decided through mediation that I won’t return, it will come at a great outcome for me! I have complete faith. I am even positive about that!

I’m 47 years old, and I have had all kinds of amazing life experiences. This next chapter is where I truly connect with the universe, or God as some people call it. It is, in fact what it is, I guess. I will continue to be real and I will work even harder to get the best out of life, out of myself. I will be in tune with the right frequencies of the universe and I will put the effort in, to turn that energy into positivity and success. I will manifest and deliver.

But first… I need to open my heart

But first, this next challenge. Open heart surgery. They will saw open my rib cage, detach my heart from the scar tissue of my previous surgeries and then, completely rebuild the graft at my aorta. Lets go! I am ready! I trust my surgeon. She is awesome! She has told me that she is confident about my procedure. The entire teams at QEll are top of class people in their fields. Its always been a positive outcome when in their care.

Alright. Thats it for now. I will enjoy this week with my family and a couple of my closest friends. I will then make my way to Halifax on Sunday, to be admitted early Monday morning for my surgery. I should be out of there by the next Monday, if all goes as planned.

I wish you an awesome week. Remember to tune into the right frequency. I send you positive energy and good vibes.

Much Love